Listen to Me…Listen to Your Mother Indianapolis

ILTYMGiving Motherhood a Microphone.

That’s the tagline behind a nationwide series of shows called, “Listen to Your Mother” that is playing in 32 cities across the country over the next two weeks in celebration of Mother’s Day.

I have the honor of being a member of the 2014 cast of the show in Indianapolis on Sunday April 27 at the Indiana Historical Society.

Much to my own mother’s dismay, I will not be singing and dancing like Doris Day because it’s a spoken word show.

Kind of a pour out your soul, essay/poetry slam of ordinary mothers and daughters of all ages, shapes and sizes reading their own stories.

Stories that define them.

The stories will make you laugh, think, cringe, wonder and cry – not just dab a tear cry – roll in the aisles cry.

Why come?

Because, these women are amazing and you will find joy in every single one of their stories.

Because, if you put your problems out on a table, you’d probably gladly take them back after hearing some of these stories.

Because, you never know what someone else is going through until you’ve walked in her shoes, or in this case, listened to her story.

Because, she needs you to listen to her story.

Because, she needs to heal.

Because, you need to know how to help whether it’s babysitting, cooking a meal or just giving her a hug.

Because, you need to laugh and they need to laugh.

We all need to laugh, even during the toughest times of mothering and being mothered.

Mother’s carry a heavy load.

And, we need to persevere because even more than our own brood, the world needs us.

Listen to me.

Listen to Your Mother.



11 thoughts on “Listen to Me…Listen to Your Mother Indianapolis

  1. Hey, did you ever post a video–maybe on Facebook–that I missed? Would really love to see it. I’m sure you kicked ass, my friend! I would have been there for sure, if I hadn’t been in Italy. So proud of you!!

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