
The Thinker

In my opinion, being a stay-at-home mom is one of the greatest gifts I can give my young daughter.  For the past several years, we have enjoyed leisurely days full of fun, home cooked meals and passing on stories and life lessons from previous generations.  What a great foundation for my child.  This is the life.

Who the hell am I kidding?  I’ve gained 50 pounds, my brain has turned to mush and my kid can’t wait to get to school everyday!  I also have a 90 pound, Type A Golden Retriever who thinks she rules the roost.

Real life is some where in between and this is what The Laughing Mom is all about.

Oh yea, and my life of leisure just came to an end because I am “making the dounuts” again.  Or as my husband would say, “finally bring home a paycheck”.

I finally added a photo of myself after hiding behind my cartoon avatar.  It’s my “Thinker” pose.

“I think I’ll serve leftovers for dinner.”

“I think the last time my windows were washed was in the 20th century.”

“I think my daughter better hurry up and take this picture because pleasant is not a natural look for me”


–Terri L. Spilman

Contact:  terrispilman@hotmail.com

Also known as:

39 thoughts on “About

  1. Terri

    I am so proud of you. I enjoyed every story – even the ones I had heard before. Keep writing and I will keep reading. I didn’t find any errors, but I can proofread writing up to a 6th grade level. Let me know if I can pitch in!

    Love Jeanette

    • Jeanette, how perfect! I write at a 6th grade level. I’m think’in we dedicate a page to you, “The Laughing Teacher”. Think about it. You have way too many years of good stories to tell about being in the classroom.

  2. Fantastic! I was home for 21 years before my husband booted me out in the workforce! We’re empty nesters now. Everyone asks if the transition was hard, I tell them I was too damn tired to notice! I will pass this along to my little sister who is just entering year 5 as a stay at home mom! Thanks for the laughs! (Now, and at Purdue.)

    • Thank you. Trying to make donuts again is not as scary as you think. I admire moms who can juggle a job, husband, kids, pets, parents, etc… I find my perspective is much different now. Good luck to you too!

  3. I think it’s a great idea. I have recently begun my own blog and am enjoying simply engaging in the practice of writing. I think the blogging community and experience has much to offer and I think you’ve done the right thing choosing to be a stay at home Mum. I know that is what I would have done in an ideal world, had I decided to have children. Congratualations on keeping at it and giving others the chance to read and learn about your life and efforts to become a writer. Thank you and best wishes.

  4. Your scenario is so similar to mine. I have been a stay-at-home mom for about six years as well. I started blogging toward the end of 2011 to hone my writing skills and to give myself a dose of therapy everyday. Please keep sharing.

      • Totally agree! I like to refer to my writing as “tongue-in-cheek.” Laughing is so much better for overall good health than being down in the dumps. So I congratulate your blog title. And “thumbs up” for having been at home with your little one. I’ve been a stay-at-home mom ever since my daughter was born 25 years ago. Since she was a miracle after hubby and I were married for 14 years, I didn’t want to have anyone else raise our precious bundle. I’m an empty-nester now, and have been fortunate not to have had my husband “boot” me out the door. Although he’s threatened to bring home an application to McDonald’s for the past decade or so. Thank God it was all talk.

        enjoy your writing…am adding you to my blogroll so i make sure to visit again. hugs to another mom…hugmamma. 😉

      • Thanks for the hug. My husband throws out an occasional, “would you like fries with that?” hint my way as well. I like to think I’m more of a Target girl. I’ll check your blog out.

        Sent from my iPhone

  5. Hi Laughing Mom,
    I really like your writing – and big congrats on FP! I just celebrated my one year of blogging as well, about the joys of turning 40, and trying to figure out how to change things up at this stage. In my case – I’ve been a working mom since my 6 year old daughter was born, so when I read the first sentence of your About page I started to get that guilt pang…thank goodness I kept reading! 🙂 I totally agree about the brain turning to mush thing too, and not being able to keep in touch with the news but knowing every episode of Peep and the Big Wide World. Ah well, that’s where writing comes in…it’s therapeutic, isn’t it? I’ll definitely be back to read more. Good luck with it and the newspaper gig, and all the best!

    • Funny, because I feel guilty that I stayed home and maybe sheltered her too much. It’s a hard decision and one that is debated vigorously. The most important thing is that everyone is happy. Good luck to you too and welcome to the 40’s!

  6. Hello, I just discovered your blog from FP and am excited to read more of your stories! I am a stay-at-home mom too that just started blogging for many of the same reasons. To keep my brain from turning to mush and be savvy to social media (for my own benefit and if I decide to return to the workforce). I like being here for my children but people constantly ask, “What do you do all day now that kids are in school?” It is said like it is a crime or that I must be completely bored and lazy. All I can say is that I am just as busy now as I was before they went to school. I started my blog and it has been great to overcome some of the self-doubt I was feeling. Carry on and best of blogging to you!

    • Blogs are ridiculously good therapy! My husband still asks me what I do all day as well. I ask him to see one of his call sheets and he clams up pretty quick! Best of blogging to you too!

  7. Hello, I have a quick question for you about your site. If you could please get back to me at your earliest convenience I would greatly appreciate it. Have a great day!

    Dan Gilbert
    Marketing Support Coordinator

  8. Pingback: The True Crisis in a Midlife Crisis « From Nonsense to Momsense

  9. Pingback: The True Crisis in a Midlife Crisis - Nonsense to Momsense » Nonsense to Momsense

  10. You are so funny! I’m following you now and am so excited for your new posts!!

    <3, Charlotte

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